Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm reeeally forgetful...

To anyone who regularly checks my blog:
Thanks for being interested, sorry I'm so forgetful. I guess my life isn't really that interesting so, I'll just post some random cool things that are going on:

30 hour famine, this Saturday. Me and some friends are going to get together with our youth group to raise awareness for starving children, through world vision. World vision does a lot of things to help out starving people and 3rd world countries. This year their main focus is Malawi, Africa. So far we have raised around $1000 by group fundraisers. On Saturday, we will be helping in our community by painting and working at a day shelter, doing yard work at homes of some elderly and painting another location I haven't figured out the name of. We will be collecting donations, playing games to get food to donate, and fasting for 30 hours (hence the name "30 hour famine").

My two new friends! So I go to this thing every tuesday at the library, and two or three tuesdays ago it was a game day, so we were playing rockband (yes, rockband, in a library =D cool right) when this guy comes in to get on the computer. He randomly starts talking to us (Meagan, Amanda, Jordyn, Simon, Dakota and I) we randomly decide (Meagan and I) that he is our new bestfriend! We didn't figure out any actual information on him but we hugged him and stuff. Next week or so, my friend randomly goes "You know, I never got Addam's phone number..." and I go "Who's Addam?" And she gives me this weird look and goes "Bestfriend!?" So yeah, then my other friend is Kal who I met almost the same way except she was not given the title of bestfriend, and was introduced by Jordyn... so yeah.

Melody Lane! I start the first week after labor day weekend. Well I would... except we'll be in Texas... as far as I know anyway. But yeah, I'm in the teen group! The funny thing is, so I auditioned and Tony said that if I got in, they'd call the next day to confirm everything with my mother, okay? The next day, having forgotten... we do stuff and talk and randomly watch a melody lane dance performance, and I get sad because no one called. A couple months later, (Yes, MONTHS) We're watching that same video and I says something like "Too bad Melody Lane never called" And explain it to Meagan and my Mom, who just then decide to let me know "Hey! Emilee! Melody Lane called the next day! You're in!" Yeah. Thanks for the information?

Un-schooling convention. That would be in Texas... I don't know anyone there, I've never been, it's in TEXAS and the hotel is amazing. I was told that the teens there were wild and crazy just like me, but I'm finding it hard to believe. I guess we'll just have to wait and see... We leave on the 29th or 30th and guess what, a loud crazy, sometimes-violent family of 8 will be driving in a cooped up suburban, and I might get to drive some of the way! That last part = awesome! the first part = *crying in my emo corner of doom* I'm thinking about going onto the un-schooling convention thing's myspace to see some of the teens' myspaces.

Drumming and Skateboarding. So Drums, I was told I was allowed to take lessons! Haven't gone any further into that though, seeing as I don't have a drum set... but we'll look past that for a little longer. I can go back and forth on a skateboard, but am thinking I'll ask John or Kyle to teach me some moves.

Dancing! I've been getting really good, when I go to the dances, I always get to dance with the reeeaally good guys, and they know me by name and always compliment my dancing ^_^ Plus I've been learning the guy part to, so I can dance with the girls if there is a shortage of guys at the dances. They seem to appreciate it because, at least they get to dance =)

Turning 16! I know it's not for like... 3 months but hey! Why not start getting excited now!?!?! This year, I was planning on asking for money, only because it's 16, which means I can drive, so even if I don't get my own car (which would be sad ='( ) I'd still have to contribute to gas. But anything car-related would be great too ^_^

iPod... yeah that's officially broken. The top came off and the thing you plug the headphones into is all wonky. Only one works most of the time, if it decides to be really nice, I might get them both to work for a song or two.

CATS, I love Macavity the mystery cat... lol and I know all the words to Memory, it's my favorite, thinking of filming that for my youtube thing.

Volleyball! So yeah, usually I suck at sports because I'm kinda like, really self conscious and dislike sports, but I tried volleyball at our youth group because Meagan and Chris kept nagging me... I was good! I love volleyball! I won't like, go pro or anything, but I can serve, and I can spike and I can hit the ball over the net it a completely amazing way that forces everyone to dart for the ball the no one touches it because they think everyone else has it... therefore winning the game =)

That's pretty much it... if I think of anything else, I'll post again =)

1 comment:

mom said...

You're amazing, Emz. very well written. I'm proud of you