Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Don't Mess with the Zohan

For all you people who want to go see the Zohan's obsene, disgusting, weird, and hilarious at the same time.
Zohan(Adam Sandler) is a Israeli war guy working against this palestine guy called Phantom. He doesn't want to work in the army any more so he fakes his death, making the Phantom a hero. He moves to America and tries to get hired at the Paul Mitchell Hair Salon, but they make a joke of it. So instead he gets hired at a hair salon thats owned by a palestine woman. He starts out swepeing the floor, but really wants to make hair "silky smoothe" so when one of her stylists quits, he jumps at the chance. After a weird wash filled with tounges ears shampoo water and weirdness, he cuts and styles her hair. The next two peopel are his next clients but first he must "bang" his first lady. Weird? YES. So then he figures out that he's in love with the palestine woman because he cannot "sticky" with anyone else. She takes this oddly and avoids him. Then peopel figure out he's Zohan...did I mention he changed his name to "Skippy Coco" and gave himself a haircut?...and tell Phantom. Phantom comes to america to go to the hacky sack game. At the game Phantom and Zohan get "backstage" to see Mariah Carey. But then Zohan gets a phone call telling him about the's guy's who are setting the shops on the street where he cuts hair on fire. Then the phantom notices and says "You have bluetooth?" he says yes and Mariah goes "I can never figure that bluetooth thing out." then Zohan/Skippy Coco starts to explain then realizing that he must go save the day or whatever, he tells Phantom to tell her how it works...this is one of my favorite Phantom asks if she uses PC or Mac, she looks at her people who say "Mac." He says "Do you have myspace?" she says something about her record company doing it, not her but technically yes. So he bows and says "Add me." haha. Then Phantom goes to the street with the fire stuff going on and he tries to beat up the fire, but then Zohan sees and says that he needs help. He goes into a food place across the street and grabs a giant thing of Hummus...hummus is a big part of the movie he even brushes his teeth with it...and puts the fire out with it. Then Phantom is all like why'd you help me and stuff like that. Then the Zohan figures out that the Palestine woman whos name I can't remember is Phantom's sister and Phantom isn't even his real name. It's like Phatoosh or something. So then the crazy redneck who started the fires comes in holding a bomb and a cage full of puppies. Zohan puts on his weird glasses and sees stuff about him like: name:don't remember age:37? i think hates: israel palestine mexicans blacks whites yellows etc etc puppies and sunsets on the beach. Likes: somethingevil 1 something evil 2 etc etc etc. So the Phantom is telling him how he hates that Zohan got to come out to America and live his dream and how Phantom wants to become a shoe salesman. Because he LOVES shoes! Then the redneck dude is about to blow the bomb when Zohan and Phantom decide they must make "the sound" and then argue about who does the melody and the harmony and blah. So then they make it the bomb breaks and the redneck guy is flown into some upper floor apartment where a bunch of guys are all together and one hits on him and then the pupies fly through the window and land on the couch and they all swarm over saying "PUPPIES!!!". Then the guy who's really behind it all comes with police cars and news reporters and stuff, but "The Sound" pops his girlfriends boobs...weird I know...and he goes to jail. Then some guy is on the news saying "Mariah Carey, I love you I want to ***********" and then it cuts to mariah saying "I love you to little horny man! Buy my new CD!" haha. Then they are all happy and stuff. A mall is made, they all have stores i it the palestine woman gets her new fancy hair salon and the Zohan and her are married. His parent's come to the salon and are proud of him and everything works out. But it's still disgustingly hilarious.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So last night, I was in the shower, shampooing my hair and I Grandma. lol. Seriously, Grandma do you use Pantene? lol. It's not a bad Grandma smell, certainly not Oatmeal, mothballs and BO or anything. But kinda sweet, and nice smelling. Anyway, it was funny 'cause I sniffed and was like: "Grandma?" with a funny look on my face. lol. I miss you Grandma!!!





Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The coolest most amazing song on the radio right now!!! Johnny, and June.

Oh there's something 'bout a man in black,
Makes me want to buy a cadillac,
Throw the top back, And roll down to Jackson town,
I wanna be there on the stage with you,
You and I could be the next rage to,
Hear the crowd roar,
Make 'em want more,
Kick the footlights out,

I wanna love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,

I wanna hold you baby right or wrong,
Build a world around a country song,
Pray a sweet prayer,
Follow you there,
Down in history,

I wanna love like Johnny and June,
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,

Like Johnny and June,
More than life itself,
No-one else,
This endless promise,
They don't make love like that anymore,
Is that too much to be askin' for,

I wanna love like Johnny and June,
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,

Like Johnny and June,
And when we're gone,
There'll be no tears to cry,
Only memories of our lives,
They'll remember,
A love like that.

Isn't that AWESOME!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Folklife Festival

So, yesterday, Jordyn, Meagan and I spent most of the time at Vaulkenfeldt. It's an old fashion part of it where they are very serious about names and all kinds of stuff. They have a King and Queen, a Baron and Baroness, Lady's in waiting, Fencing competitions, and everything! Today, we started out there, and then looked around at everything else. They have awesome booths!!! Meagan, Fiona and I went into the museum, we listened to music, looked at everything and shoe broke. So I walked across the park to mom to tell her it broke...then walked back to get to the car. After I went home and got new shoes, I got a ride back to the festival, but I couldn't find Meagan and Kaydee. I went back to Vaulkenfeldt but they weren't there, thats were I met George. It was rather funny meeting I turned around, and all the sudden he was there! lol.
He said: "Hi! I'm George"
I said: "Hi...George..."
G: "So how are you?"
E: "...fine...and you?"
G: "I'm good, I'm just walking around making new friends"
E: "fun..." I start walking away...he starts following me...
G: "So, where do you go to school?"
E: "I'm homeschooled"...still looking for meagan and kaydee...
G: "thats cool!" ...STILL following me...
Then I find Meagan coming out of the Soda Fountain, we all go in and I call mom. Then ask where KayDee went. Meagan doesn't know. So we decide to go look in the museum. George says we're obviously busy so he'll go now..."Bye george!" Kaydee's not inside...or outside...or anywhere! But we do find Esther. She's wearing new shoes that she got like 2 minutes ago from one of the vendors. So we all go look, keping our eyes out for Kaydee. Then we leave Esther to go look...AGAIN. We stop under a tree cause it's soooo HOT! George comes up and goes "So, would you like to maybe see a movie sometime?"
E: "Dunno"
G: "can I have your number?
I get a pencil and paper from Meagan, and write this:

Sorry, Phone doesn't work.

Then I make up an e-mail So we look around for Kaydee MORE but still don't find her. Eventually go to the museum and call mom to see if Kaydee called. She did. We are to meet her outside the soda fountain. After a MILLION hours Meagan goes and calls mom again. Mom couldn't get ahold of Kaydee to tell her about meeting us.


We get picked up HUNDREDS of hours later and get home, clean my room, check my REAL email address, check my myspace and then, write this!


Monday, July 7, 2008

So, this foreign exchange student came to our house today trying to sell us homework planners. Her name was Jane. She seemed pretty nice, I thought the planners looked interesting. Not THAT important though. Then I fidured out she was staying with a friend of mine and her family! As those little people at disney say "It's a "small" world after all!" lol.



Saturday, July 5, 2008

Dance, 4th of July, goldfish...

So the dance was REALLY awesome! Oh wait, you don't know about the dance, so remember a post from a while back about a dance? Well that dance happens every 1st friday of the month, so every 1st saturday, you can expect a post from the dance! lol, so the dance was fun! I learned how to waltz, and during the swing dance time I learned a billion new moves, the names of which I don't actually know because Jake didn't know them and Johnny...well I just followed along with Johnny. He's like an amazing dancer! It's really fun to watch him and Cecily, but dancing with him is...well, kinda scary! First, he does this really fast walk thing around the dance floor, and theres tons of twirls and jumps and stuff, and he goes really fast. If I had danced a bit more before he asked me, I probably would have been better. At least I didn't step on his foot or Lets see for 4th of july, we stayed home (except for my dance) and dad lit fireworks on the roof and we had hot dogs and sparklers and stuff. Oh, and for the goldfish, we got like 4 different goldfish things than normal. There was like BBQ flavor, Pizza flavor, White Cheddar Flavor and something else. It was really



Thursday, July 3, 2008

blah blah blah

So my mom got a new camera's fun! Today Meagan took Jordyn, KayDee and I to see the new Kit Kittredge movie. It was alright, there were some really funny parts. After that we walked to borders and Jordyn bought a graphic novel. Oh and KayDee bought a beginners magic book. Sometimes I wonder why Meagan is friends with KayDee, she's rather violent, VERY loud, pretty abnoxious and rude. Last night, at 11:09 PM she called Meagan heres the conversation:
"Hi Meagan"
"So...I decided I'm not going to bring my American girl doll..."
"Okay, yeah me either."
"Okay, well, yeah I have to go now."
"Okay, Bye!"
No seriously. That was the entire conversation. lol.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


well...this is fun. I get to stay home all day. Oh and tomorrow I get to see that new american girl movie, Kit right? Oh and Jordyn, you're invited, Meagan is paying. Call me! Otherwise I'm doing...nothing. On the 4th, I'm gonna go to a dance thing, but as far as I know, no one I know is coming with me. It's a swing dance thing. Fun right, I love going, even though this would only be my 2nd Here are some quiz results to pass the time...

Baby Ruth:
Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm fuzzy items. A little nutty. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day.

Chocolate-lover, you are a total flirt --- you love attention! But at heart, you're really a hopeless romantic waiting for your prince/princess to come along.

What "guy qualities" do it for you?
You picked Mr. Sensitive. He's about as comfortable and friendly as an old pair of jeans---and will more than likely never break your heart.

The King of Kindness:
Your idea of the perfect prince is one that's sensitive and strong. He's attentive to your needs and even knows that while glass slippers are certainly beautiful, they just aren't comfortable footwear. (That's why he'll hold your purse for you while you shop for new shoes at the Nine West sale!) Your guy also understands why picking you up on his white horse (or in his Honda) is so much better than just meeting you at the restaurant -- even if it is the hottest new spot in the kingdom.But the problem with getting the royal treatment on a regular basis is that even the most grateful girl is bound to get, well, bored. Your nice guy doesn't have to finish last though. Make sure that he understands your needs: space, a partner with a backbone, etc. But be nice about it. And if you landed in this category but haven't found a man who matches this description yet, take heart -- and a tip from author Wendy Paris. "Whoever you are, you are someone's ideal," she says in Happily Ever After: The Fairy Tale Formula for Lasting Love. "Hold out for someone who sees you as his." What better way to live happily ever after

Wasn't that fun? lol, probably Well g2g.
See you on the flip side
