Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stupid moving truck...YAY!

Yeah, so even though we were supposed to have moved by now, we haven't!!! The moving truck hasn't come yet, so we're staying at least a little longer!!! YIPEE!!!

see you on the flip side!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So, my birthday, is on Monday, November 3rd.
We move, on Saturday, November 1st.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Yeah so...not much going on lately...

We move November 1st. The house is...PINK. seriously. OMG. PINK?!?!?!?!
Any-hoo, so my new favorite thing on you tube is this group of guys called "Evil Iguana Productions" They are sooooooo funny! There's the Allen and Craig show - 12 episodes - spoofs on the Dark Knight trailer, the Twilight trailer and some other trailers, they have randomly weird and sometimes disgusting videos that supposedly prove science right, wrong or plausible and something called FUZZ featuring Mario and Luigi.
So awesome!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Drastic Hair Cut...

So...y'all who know me, know that my hair was pretty long. If not, look at my profile picture.

The other day, I was looking at pictures online, and I saw some really cute haircuts, and I talked to my mom and...well now most of my hair...isn't long anymore! lol.




Monday, October 13, 2008

Staying with Jordyn!!!

Yeah so, my family is "House Hunting" so I'm staying with JORDYN!!! lol.
We found a website that sells awesome jewelry. We watched baby mama, speed racer and some you tube awesomness.
We like eating with chopsticks.
Ramen is awesome.
With chopsticks.
We also got pie.
It was kinda okay...but also kinda weird...but interesting.
It was a s'mores cake.
We're listening to "Thriller" by Michael Jackson on Jango right now.
It just reminds me of that ML show..."Cause its a thriller!"
talk to y'all later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tyzen Master of Suggestion

So at the fair theres this amazing hypnotist! He is just great
this one is at our fair:

these ones...aren't:

this is his website

this is his myspace

check it out!!!
He is awesome!
I was picked to go onstage with him before his act to do some card tricks, it was hilarious.
Ya'll really should've been


Monday, September 29, 2008

crappy job-but I love it

So working at the fair, from 10 am to 11 pm kinda sucks, but it's also totally awesome! I get to see just about everyone who could possibly be there, because I'm there from open to close, I get free food, I get to see whatever shows I want cause I'll be there for them all, I get to talk to some awesome new people, and I get PAID FOR IT!!!

It's crappy because of the hours, I mean really, open to close plus the work to open it up beforehand and the work afterwards to close it up, usually I take care of the baby during that, but's a lot of work when all she wants is her mom, she's totally tired and you have a headache AND it has to be done BEFORE EVERYONE COMES BURSTING INTO THE SUNDOME!!! GREAT HUH?!?!?!?!

Well...whatever, it's awesome anyway.
C U L8ER!!!!!


Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm sick.

I hate being sick.
My throat is sore, my head aches, my stomache hurts, I'm starving but nothing sounds good...well except V8 and brownies and yogurt...urgh.
I'm extremely tired.
I can't sleep.
My arms are sore.
I get dizzy when I stand up.
But it goes away quickly.
I hate being sick.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

yeah so...hi...

I'm EXTREMELY bored.
I decided to post.
I had Jordyn sleepover last night.
We went to the release party for Brisinger.
It was fun.
I made a collage.
And drew a picture.
I also did Meagan's friend KayDee's hair and make-up.
I'm eating a chocolate coin.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I love this series!
Now I know that the whole series isn't called Twilight, but I don't know what else to call it. Plus who wants to go around saying "I love Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn!!!" I mean really. Seriously.

I know a lot of people who like the books, but I've never really been very interested. But then my sister showed me a movie trailer and said some parts of the books, then her friend got in on it, then MY friend got in on it...yeah so I read the first one in under 8 hours...then I got impatient for the second I read it again. Now I'm writing this as fast as I can to tell you to READ THESE BOOKS, great, thats done...know I can get back to the book...



Tuesday, September 9, 2008

urgh so whats goin' on?

Yeah so lately I've been grounded and technically...I still am. But at the moment I'm at a friends house at 4:12 in the morning. wow, right?

Well my dad was being his stupid self, so I left. I went to the park, then Goodwill, then albertsons, then walgreens(I got a candy bar) then all the way to the allied arts center. I was going to go to the library but I figured that at almost 7pm it would most likely be closed.

Anyway, so I was on my way to my friends house when her mom comes driving up and stops and tells me my sister called to see if I was there. So she decided to come look for me.

So since then I've eaten nachos, used the computer, watched project runway, used more computer, tried to sleep and realised that I hadn't checked my blog and here I am, writing this for you, my amazing reader.

So lets see, by now it's 4:20 so my whole adventure, which took about 2 1/2 hours can be summed up in 8 minutes. Fantastic. lol.

Well since I've been mom went to TX I went to the mountains with my dad and some friends to sell pizza, and mom comes, around 10. So, lets see...I went to the mountains to go sell pizza to earn money so I could go to TX with my mom, turns out people don't spend much on pizza anymore, so I was BOOOOOORRRIINNNGG!!!!

So mom went to TX alone...well, with baby Evie. So last Friday I went to a fantastic dance, met some fabulous people and altogether had an amazing night! The Fantastic dance consisted of learning a dance move called the "StraightJacket" dancing/meeting tons of guys who like to dance nearly as much as I do, and meeting two great girls called Leslie and Rachel.

a href="">

I also read excerpts from a fantastic book about George Washington and his funny rules for conversation Anyway Leslie, Rachel, Amanda, Cyndi and I had a great time reading through them and came to an agreement that we break about 105 3/4 of 106 rules every day of our lives. lol.

For example:

4th In the Presence of Others Sing not to yourself with a humming Noise, nor Drum with your Fingers or Feet.


43d Do not express Joy before one sick or in pain for that contrary Passion will aggravate his Misery.

or maybe even;

55th Eat not in the Streets, nor in the House, out of Season.

24th Do not laugh too loud or too much at any Publick Spectacle.

23d When you see a Crime punished, you may be inwardly Pleased; but always shew Pity to the Suffering Offender.

53d Run not in the Streets, neither go too slowly nor with Mouth open go not Shaking your Arms kick not the earth with yr feet, go not upon the Toes, nor in a Dancing fashion.

For the complete list go to this website.

Anyway, we also got glowsticks and as we drove past one of the other cars Ben dropped one out of the car window. Later Cyndi said it was awesome when you cut open the glowstick and fling the insides everywhere so that stuff glows.

I drew pictures and squiggles all over my So after that, nothing much happened...I ran away, mom gets back soon...thats pretty much it. so...yeah!



Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Don't Mess with the Zohan

For all you people who want to go see the Zohan's obsene, disgusting, weird, and hilarious at the same time.
Zohan(Adam Sandler) is a Israeli war guy working against this palestine guy called Phantom. He doesn't want to work in the army any more so he fakes his death, making the Phantom a hero. He moves to America and tries to get hired at the Paul Mitchell Hair Salon, but they make a joke of it. So instead he gets hired at a hair salon thats owned by a palestine woman. He starts out swepeing the floor, but really wants to make hair "silky smoothe" so when one of her stylists quits, he jumps at the chance. After a weird wash filled with tounges ears shampoo water and weirdness, he cuts and styles her hair. The next two peopel are his next clients but first he must "bang" his first lady. Weird? YES. So then he figures out that he's in love with the palestine woman because he cannot "sticky" with anyone else. She takes this oddly and avoids him. Then peopel figure out he's Zohan...did I mention he changed his name to "Skippy Coco" and gave himself a haircut?...and tell Phantom. Phantom comes to america to go to the hacky sack game. At the game Phantom and Zohan get "backstage" to see Mariah Carey. But then Zohan gets a phone call telling him about the's guy's who are setting the shops on the street where he cuts hair on fire. Then the phantom notices and says "You have bluetooth?" he says yes and Mariah goes "I can never figure that bluetooth thing out." then Zohan/Skippy Coco starts to explain then realizing that he must go save the day or whatever, he tells Phantom to tell her how it works...this is one of my favorite Phantom asks if she uses PC or Mac, she looks at her people who say "Mac." He says "Do you have myspace?" she says something about her record company doing it, not her but technically yes. So he bows and says "Add me." haha. Then Phantom goes to the street with the fire stuff going on and he tries to beat up the fire, but then Zohan sees and says that he needs help. He goes into a food place across the street and grabs a giant thing of Hummus...hummus is a big part of the movie he even brushes his teeth with it...and puts the fire out with it. Then Phantom is all like why'd you help me and stuff like that. Then the Zohan figures out that the Palestine woman whos name I can't remember is Phantom's sister and Phantom isn't even his real name. It's like Phatoosh or something. So then the crazy redneck who started the fires comes in holding a bomb and a cage full of puppies. Zohan puts on his weird glasses and sees stuff about him like: name:don't remember age:37? i think hates: israel palestine mexicans blacks whites yellows etc etc puppies and sunsets on the beach. Likes: somethingevil 1 something evil 2 etc etc etc. So the Phantom is telling him how he hates that Zohan got to come out to America and live his dream and how Phantom wants to become a shoe salesman. Because he LOVES shoes! Then the redneck dude is about to blow the bomb when Zohan and Phantom decide they must make "the sound" and then argue about who does the melody and the harmony and blah. So then they make it the bomb breaks and the redneck guy is flown into some upper floor apartment where a bunch of guys are all together and one hits on him and then the pupies fly through the window and land on the couch and they all swarm over saying "PUPPIES!!!". Then the guy who's really behind it all comes with police cars and news reporters and stuff, but "The Sound" pops his girlfriends boobs...weird I know...and he goes to jail. Then some guy is on the news saying "Mariah Carey, I love you I want to ***********" and then it cuts to mariah saying "I love you to little horny man! Buy my new CD!" haha. Then they are all happy and stuff. A mall is made, they all have stores i it the palestine woman gets her new fancy hair salon and the Zohan and her are married. His parent's come to the salon and are proud of him and everything works out. But it's still disgustingly hilarious.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So last night, I was in the shower, shampooing my hair and I Grandma. lol. Seriously, Grandma do you use Pantene? lol. It's not a bad Grandma smell, certainly not Oatmeal, mothballs and BO or anything. But kinda sweet, and nice smelling. Anyway, it was funny 'cause I sniffed and was like: "Grandma?" with a funny look on my face. lol. I miss you Grandma!!!





Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The coolest most amazing song on the radio right now!!! Johnny, and June.

Oh there's something 'bout a man in black,
Makes me want to buy a cadillac,
Throw the top back, And roll down to Jackson town,
I wanna be there on the stage with you,
You and I could be the next rage to,
Hear the crowd roar,
Make 'em want more,
Kick the footlights out,

I wanna love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,

I wanna hold you baby right or wrong,
Build a world around a country song,
Pray a sweet prayer,
Follow you there,
Down in history,

I wanna love like Johnny and June,
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,

Like Johnny and June,
More than life itself,
No-one else,
This endless promise,
They don't make love like that anymore,
Is that too much to be askin' for,

I wanna love like Johnny and June,
Rings of fire burnin' with you,
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time,
I wanna love,
Love ya that much,
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
When you're gone,
I wanna go too,
Like Johnny and June,

Like Johnny and June,
And when we're gone,
There'll be no tears to cry,
Only memories of our lives,
They'll remember,
A love like that.

Isn't that AWESOME!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Folklife Festival

So, yesterday, Jordyn, Meagan and I spent most of the time at Vaulkenfeldt. It's an old fashion part of it where they are very serious about names and all kinds of stuff. They have a King and Queen, a Baron and Baroness, Lady's in waiting, Fencing competitions, and everything! Today, we started out there, and then looked around at everything else. They have awesome booths!!! Meagan, Fiona and I went into the museum, we listened to music, looked at everything and shoe broke. So I walked across the park to mom to tell her it broke...then walked back to get to the car. After I went home and got new shoes, I got a ride back to the festival, but I couldn't find Meagan and Kaydee. I went back to Vaulkenfeldt but they weren't there, thats were I met George. It was rather funny meeting I turned around, and all the sudden he was there! lol.
He said: "Hi! I'm George"
I said: "Hi...George..."
G: "So how are you?"
E: "...fine...and you?"
G: "I'm good, I'm just walking around making new friends"
E: "fun..." I start walking away...he starts following me...
G: "So, where do you go to school?"
E: "I'm homeschooled"...still looking for meagan and kaydee...
G: "thats cool!" ...STILL following me...
Then I find Meagan coming out of the Soda Fountain, we all go in and I call mom. Then ask where KayDee went. Meagan doesn't know. So we decide to go look in the museum. George says we're obviously busy so he'll go now..."Bye george!" Kaydee's not inside...or outside...or anywhere! But we do find Esther. She's wearing new shoes that she got like 2 minutes ago from one of the vendors. So we all go look, keping our eyes out for Kaydee. Then we leave Esther to go look...AGAIN. We stop under a tree cause it's soooo HOT! George comes up and goes "So, would you like to maybe see a movie sometime?"
E: "Dunno"
G: "can I have your number?
I get a pencil and paper from Meagan, and write this:

Sorry, Phone doesn't work.

Then I make up an e-mail So we look around for Kaydee MORE but still don't find her. Eventually go to the museum and call mom to see if Kaydee called. She did. We are to meet her outside the soda fountain. After a MILLION hours Meagan goes and calls mom again. Mom couldn't get ahold of Kaydee to tell her about meeting us.


We get picked up HUNDREDS of hours later and get home, clean my room, check my REAL email address, check my myspace and then, write this!


Monday, July 7, 2008

So, this foreign exchange student came to our house today trying to sell us homework planners. Her name was Jane. She seemed pretty nice, I thought the planners looked interesting. Not THAT important though. Then I fidured out she was staying with a friend of mine and her family! As those little people at disney say "It's a "small" world after all!" lol.



Saturday, July 5, 2008

Dance, 4th of July, goldfish...

So the dance was REALLY awesome! Oh wait, you don't know about the dance, so remember a post from a while back about a dance? Well that dance happens every 1st friday of the month, so every 1st saturday, you can expect a post from the dance! lol, so the dance was fun! I learned how to waltz, and during the swing dance time I learned a billion new moves, the names of which I don't actually know because Jake didn't know them and Johnny...well I just followed along with Johnny. He's like an amazing dancer! It's really fun to watch him and Cecily, but dancing with him is...well, kinda scary! First, he does this really fast walk thing around the dance floor, and theres tons of twirls and jumps and stuff, and he goes really fast. If I had danced a bit more before he asked me, I probably would have been better. At least I didn't step on his foot or Lets see for 4th of july, we stayed home (except for my dance) and dad lit fireworks on the roof and we had hot dogs and sparklers and stuff. Oh, and for the goldfish, we got like 4 different goldfish things than normal. There was like BBQ flavor, Pizza flavor, White Cheddar Flavor and something else. It was really



Thursday, July 3, 2008

blah blah blah

So my mom got a new camera's fun! Today Meagan took Jordyn, KayDee and I to see the new Kit Kittredge movie. It was alright, there were some really funny parts. After that we walked to borders and Jordyn bought a graphic novel. Oh and KayDee bought a beginners magic book. Sometimes I wonder why Meagan is friends with KayDee, she's rather violent, VERY loud, pretty abnoxious and rude. Last night, at 11:09 PM she called Meagan heres the conversation:
"Hi Meagan"
"So...I decided I'm not going to bring my American girl doll..."
"Okay, yeah me either."
"Okay, well, yeah I have to go now."
"Okay, Bye!"
No seriously. That was the entire conversation. lol.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


well...this is fun. I get to stay home all day. Oh and tomorrow I get to see that new american girl movie, Kit right? Oh and Jordyn, you're invited, Meagan is paying. Call me! Otherwise I'm doing...nothing. On the 4th, I'm gonna go to a dance thing, but as far as I know, no one I know is coming with me. It's a swing dance thing. Fun right, I love going, even though this would only be my 2nd Here are some quiz results to pass the time...

Baby Ruth:
Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm fuzzy items. A little nutty. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day.

Chocolate-lover, you are a total flirt --- you love attention! But at heart, you're really a hopeless romantic waiting for your prince/princess to come along.

What "guy qualities" do it for you?
You picked Mr. Sensitive. He's about as comfortable and friendly as an old pair of jeans---and will more than likely never break your heart.

The King of Kindness:
Your idea of the perfect prince is one that's sensitive and strong. He's attentive to your needs and even knows that while glass slippers are certainly beautiful, they just aren't comfortable footwear. (That's why he'll hold your purse for you while you shop for new shoes at the Nine West sale!) Your guy also understands why picking you up on his white horse (or in his Honda) is so much better than just meeting you at the restaurant -- even if it is the hottest new spot in the kingdom.But the problem with getting the royal treatment on a regular basis is that even the most grateful girl is bound to get, well, bored. Your nice guy doesn't have to finish last though. Make sure that he understands your needs: space, a partner with a backbone, etc. But be nice about it. And if you landed in this category but haven't found a man who matches this description yet, take heart -- and a tip from author Wendy Paris. "Whoever you are, you are someone's ideal," she says in Happily Ever After: The Fairy Tale Formula for Lasting Love. "Hold out for someone who sees you as his." What better way to live happily ever after

Wasn't that fun? lol, probably Well g2g.
See you on the flip side


Sunday, June 29, 2008

a sister falling out of a shopping cart and a backstreet boy wanna be

So today, in Walgreens, Evie was asleep in her seat in the cart. I was holding her little hand and suddenly, out of nowhere, she jerks to one side and starts to slip off the side of the cart. Luckily for her my catlike reflexes saved her seat from the 2 foot plummet to earth. In other news, we have a backstreet boy wanna be sleeping on our couch today...all's annoying, in the "I want to cut his head off with a spoon and throw him to alligators so we can sit down" kind of way. Isn't there some nice person in Guatamala he could annoy??? Anyway, so I get the point of blogs now, after watching Sydney White.

" is not about being read. It's about being written."

wow, I finally understand quantum physics. Or not, thats still a mystery to me. Anyway, thats about it, and Jordyn...HI!


Thursday, June 26, 2008


What exactly is the point of a blog?
You write down what happens in your life, and people (some of which you might not even know) read all about it, like okay so a person in Utah, writes about how her kid learned to say milk (this is just an example) and some random rice factory worker in Japan reads about it??? WHAT? I don't exactly get it. If it's a way to tell people about your life, get their email address and email it to them. A blog??? What??? Is??? The??? Point???

Enlighten me.


Sunday, June 22, 2008


Well.Isn't this just great.I would be leaving on the 23rd, to go to NY.If I was going.Which thanks to Tony, my "loving" grandparents, mother, father and anyone else who could have helped...I CAN'T.Instead, I will be here.At home.Cleaning, watching annoying little children(there are 5 of them.), pretending to care when real estate people and IRS people and other people are coming over.While my friends, all go to NYC, have the time of their lives performing there, watching broadway shows, hanging out together, shopping, singing in the bus, staying at the hotel and I would(if I was going) also get to SEE my "loving" grandparents, Who, obviously don't care that much about seeing me, or else they would have at least tried to send the money, instead of just saying "no I'm sorry we can't"Well, while I'm stuck at home, finally un-grounded from the computer, on myspace and email...guess where over half the people I talk to online will be huh?NEW YORK.Oh and you know what, when they get back, I get to hear all about it. See all their pictures. Learn about all the fun they had, and be told that I shouldn't have missed it, and I should have come.I'll hear all about it and you know what
I don't want to.
I want to experience it, with them, my friends, their family, people who love to sing and dance, as much as I do. I've been searching for a long time to find people like me as much as these people are. And I will never see Keli, Madisen, Kayla, Marissa, or half of these people ever again. Classes are over, I'm not going to NY and then we move, so I can't move up into the teen group next year cause Oh big surprise! We won't even be here! I hate my life right now. I don't want to move, I want to go to NY, I want to be able to see my friends, not have to make new ones. I want to learn to drive on streets I know, not learn the streets to. I want to have time to get to know more of the awesome people we call the "teen group" and be one of them. I don't want to miss out on that just because my parents have this crazy dream about some stupid restaraunt that will end up the same way as the last two did because they fail to see the big picture. They start a stupid project, they don't folow through, they start another one and then complain about it later to all of us when things don't go as planned. I



grandparents-not L.S. and D.P or J.R.

They can buy a stupid iPod, a huge TV a $50 gift card, but the onething, ONE THING, I really want, more than anything else, they can'tget. The iPod is falling apart at the seams, the TV's VCR is brokenand I have $0.12 left on the gift card and barely anything to show forit considering everything in this entire world costs soooo much. Butif they can buy all that, get a house in Maryland visit everyone, bothwork, own two cars, and everything else they do...why can't they payfor a 5 day trip to NYC with my singing group, so that I could not onlyPerform in NY, but go to 2 broadway shows, see NYC, hang out with myfriends before we move, and visit with both of them??? I'd say, thats awhooooole lot better than an iPod a TV and a gift card.The iPod can'thold as many songs as I'd like to put on it, the TV doesn't have a VCRanymore cause it broke and the stupid card couldn't do anything, webarely go shopping just for fun, the movie theatre doesn't take cards,just cash, and theres nowhere good to spend any kind of money hereanyway. So I end up gatting a few pairs of earrings at Claires, agiant pretzal, a calendar, a light up fairy glass thing, and a cup ofcheese to go with that pretzal. The next day, get barely anythingelse...and end up with 12 stupid cents. My trip would have been worthsooooo much more than that. Sure we can visit Portland anytime we want,it's pretty close by. But NY??? Thats on the whole other side of thecountry. If I could have, I would have skipped the trip to Portland,not made my parents spend any unneccasary money and hoped to god thatwe could come up with that money. BUT Tony never sent home anypaperwork for it, my mom said that my grandparents said they would payfor it no matter the cost, and I thought I was going...but, Tony saidit was too late, so my mom called him, they made a deal of some sort,My grandparents can't pay for it, and I'm not going. If you'rereading this, and I told you I was going, I really thought I was, Iwasn't lying to you. I was simply stating what I thought the truthwas. And I'm sorry.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


So, yesterday was the graduation/barnyard dance. The graduation waskinda boring, Emi and David were the only people I knew, the other twolooked like they had a lot more fun though. I won a lame award forfinishing a mathbook and a half in one schoolyear. I got a baskinrobbins gift certificate, Rhyannonn offered me $4 for it, I should havetaken it, the certificate is only worth $2...oh well. So the barnyarddance was a lot more fun, but I missed the first part because mom justHAD to stop at walgreens and use her stupid coupons. Well,when we FINALLY got there, I found Cyndi, Jordyn and Amanda rightaway. They were figuring out who they would ask to dance. It washilarious. seriously. lol. The first dance I did was a line dance,it was REALLY hilarious...really! We did the steps, and then we weresupposed to act like a chicken and run to the other side of the dancefloor then start all over again! lol. Then I was asked to dance byJames...I didn't remember him. At all. Sorry, but anyway, heremembered me, and explained who he was and stuff, we took a classtogether, his mom taught it. He was a really good dancer...I had noclue what I was doing. I had really only swing danced (Is that theproper wording???) like once before, and when Jordyn taught it tome...but she didn't do it very good...NO OFFENSE! As in, very very fast and like 2 moves. Then there wasanother line dance. It was fun too. We were doing it to the beat andall, but then it got reeeeeeeeeaaaaaalllllyyy, we danced slooooooow was soooooo funny cause then it gotreally fast! Really really fast! Then I was asked to dance again, butI was getting a drink, so Dillon waited. So once again, I had onlyever barely swing danced (once that right???). So he saidto just hold on and follow, it was funny. He was likedoing all these fun and complicated move things, and I was justholding on and spinning when he told me Then...something elsehappened...I think that was when I went outside and hung out with mommrs. "March" and stuff...I got CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. Then Iwent back inside and danced with Jimmy, he's Cyndi's little brother.He's quite funny. So he also tried to do complicated moves but he kepthaving to ask Cyndi what the dance moves where and how they weresupposed to go. lol. So later on, I figured out that Amanda andJordyn TOLD Tyler to ask me to dance, it was so funny.Cause he refused! lol. So...well...yeah! I love dancing! I haven'tbeen doing it very long but it is absolutely one of the funnest thingsever! I have always wanted to be able to dance though you know???Well, I learned to swing and line dance the other night...FUN FUN FUN!And hopefully I will go to the dance thing on Friday where we learnmore dance stuff and eat and hang out and I will probably see Amanda,but not Jordyn...cause she won't be there...sad well allin all, it was fun. I danced with the good dancer, the okay dancer,and then the dancer who needed help from his older sister to do themoves, but you could totally tell he was having fun so it was worthit It was fun, Those people should have barnyard danceswaaaaaaay more often!!! In the meantime: My stomach HURTS and we leavefor portland tomorrow...wait lets see, this month I am: Going toPortland for 4 days, Going to Ashford for 2-3 days, going to New Yorkfor 4-5 Thats a lot of traveling...then later after NY wemove...waaa...lolLATER!I must get started on my stupidly busy schedule!!!lol

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

who what when where...MLS

who what when where and

The Who’s
Who Was The Last Person You Talked To?
My mom

Who Was The Last Person You Were With, Besides Family?
Sabrina Furlong

Who Was Your Last Kiss?
Can't remember

Who Knows The Most About You?
Me...oh, other than me? No clue.

Who Is Your Favorite Band, Rapper, Singer, etc.?
ALL OF THEM!!! mostly.

Who Can Make You Laugh No Matter What?
Andria/Maddie/Cyndi/Meagan/Kayla/Jimmy/Tyler/Jeremy/Sierra/Jordyn/in other words...EVERYONE MAKES ME LAUGH!!!

Who Can You Always Count On?
I don't know...

Who Has Your Heart?

Who Is or Was Your Favorite Teacher In School?
the only one I have...MOM lol

Who Is Your Crush?
what crush

Who Is Your Best Friend(s)?
all my friends

Who Loves You?

The What’s
What Is Your Favorite Song At The Moment?
this is home by switchfoot or happy ending by mika

What Are You Looking Forward To?
cooking club

What Is Your Favorite Color(s)?

What Website Do You Visit Most?

What Is Your Favorite Smell?
lilacs, fruit, the air after it rains, roses, the beach...etc. etc. etc

What Is Your Favorite Movie?
August Rush

What Is Your Favorite Season?

What Makes You Mad?

What Curse Word Do You Use Alot?
I don't

What Kind Of Phone Do You Have?
the lamest kind EVER: none

What Was The Last Song You Listened To?
Who I Am

The When’s
When Was The Last Time You Went To The Mall?
In Portland

When Did You Talk To Your Crush Last?
the future

When Do or Did You Graduate?
the future

When Is The Next Time You’ll Do Something Fun?

When Was The Last Time You Ate or Drank Something?
like 10 minutes ago

When Is Your Birthday?
November 3rd

When Was The Last Time You Went To The Movies?
it's been so long

When Is Your Parents Birthday?
dec. 7th and june 6th

When Was Your First Kiss?
in the future

When Were You In The Car Last?
about a 1/2 hour ago

When Will You Be 21?
about than 7 years

When Will You Be Taking Your Next Vacation?

The Where’s
Where Do You Live?

Where Is The Best Place To Be?

Where Was Your Last Vacation?
California probably

Where Were You Born?

Where Is Your Best Friend?
bouncing off I don't know. I have so many

Where Do You Want To Live?

Where Was The Last Place Your Were Besides Your Own House?
Melody Lane

Where Do You Think You’ll Be In 10 Years?
No clue

Where Is Your Cell Phone?

Where Are Your Parents?
the living room, w/me

Where Was Your Display Picture Taken?
the basement

Where Were You 24 Hours Ago?

Check out more great MySpace Surveys at


So melody lane was soooo fun-I was asked to stay with Amelie's family and Sierrra/Sabrina so I wouldn't have to move. We put the finishing touches on our "Who I Am"'s pretty
My mom is patting her stomach weirdly at the moment, hold on a sec. while I look at her confusedly............................................okay, I'm done.
Well...I hugged a few more people today, including Cyndi, Jimmy and Andria.
fun, fun, fun right.

Well, bye.



MLS-and survey thing-a-majiggs

thats what I'm doing today. MLS, singing class thing.
yes. It'll be fun, but the rest of the day...will be booooring.
If you know me, and your reading this today...or any day...CALL ME!
I need some social phone talking to friends...whatever, I doubt that made
well, lets pass the time before class starts, I will post an awesome survey:
56 Girl Confessions

1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress?
party dress
3. What would you do if you received a long love letter?
smile nonstop!
4. Group dates or single dates?
5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends?
6. Are diamonds a girl’s best friend?
7. Is your hair up or down today?
8. Do you straighten your hair?
9. Favorite mascara?
brand? I don't know! color: black
10. Do you get your nails done?
11. Small or large purses?
12. In your purse, what are your must haves?
lip totally
13. Jeans or sweats?
14. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that’s uncomfortable?
15. Do you text message a lot?
16. What would you do if you got pregnant?
scream-I would NOT get pregnant right now!
17. What’s your favorite color?
18. Heels or flats?
19. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?
20. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on?
21. Walmart or Target?
22. Do you wear collared shirts?
23. Do you like preppy boys?
24. Do you think lip gloss is the best!?
25. Do you own any big sunglasses?
one-my friend gave them to me...I broke
26. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
like 10 minutes
27. Do you like to wear band-aids?
if I need them...duh
28. Do you like skater boys?
29. Do you often wish there was something you could change?
about what?
30. Gold or silver?
31. Do you like to receive flowers?
32. Do you like surfer boys?
33. Do you dress up for the holidays?
some of them
34. Do you like to wear dresseses?
not particularly
35. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you?
36. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy?
37. Would you date a guy shorter than you?
38. Do you like to hold hands?
39. What is the youngest you would date?
I don't know
40. What is the oldest you would date?
not very old...duh
41. What do you notice when you first meet a guy?
42. Is it hott when guys sweat?
not exactly
43. What is the best feature in a guy?
44. Do you like making eye contact?
46. Would you kill for chocolate?
depends...who am I killing, and is it dark or milk chocolate?
47. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?
48. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping?
49. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show?
50. Do you yell a lot?
51. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work?
once-friday forum, pj's...I was reeeeaaaaally
52. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy?
53. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems?
54. What makeup could you not live w/ out?
55. Do you fall in love easily?
56. Do you think you have the bestest friend ever?

Check out more great MySpace Surveys at

well, that was...relatively
I thought some of the questions were lame, but hey, it passed the time didn't it!!!
here's another:

you own:

[ ] straightener
[ ] curling iron
[ ] mousse
[ X] hairspray
[ ] gel
[ ] other sprays
[X ] bobby pins
[ ] round barrel brush
[ X] blow dryer
[ X] mirror
[ ] you have dyed your hair
[X ] you have or had highlights
[ X] black eyeliner
[ ] other color eyeliner
[ X] eye shadow
[ X] mascara
[ ] fake eyelashes
[ ] eyelash curler
[ ] eye shimmer
[ ] colored contacts
[ X] stunna shades
[ ]eye makeup remover
Total so far:9
[X ] clear lip gloss
[ X] red or pink gloss
[ ] lip stick
[ ] chapstick
[ ] lip plumper
[ ] electric toothbrush
[ ] teeth whitener
[ ] lip liner
[ ] more than 15 lipglosses
[ X] toothpaste
Total so far:12
Complexion/Overall face
[ ] blush
[ ] moisturizer
[ ] face wash
[ ] bronzer
[ ] makeup remover
[ ] face wipes
[ ] powder
[ ]cover up
Total so far:12
[ X] nail polish
[ ] filer
[ ] nail clipper
[ ] nail buffer
[ ] cuticle remover
[ ] nail hardener
[ ] nail brush
[ ] Fake nails
[ ] nail scissors
Total so far:13

Overall Total:12
Now, add your score and multiply it by 2.
Then, repost as “I am 24% obsessed with my look

Check out more great MySpace Surveys at

and odd. oh well. later!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

moving-to my mom

It will not be good for me.
I am at a crucial point in my life.
you moved when you were 14.
look at how you turned out:
You are obsessed with blogging, coupons, homeschooling...I don't want to leave my friends, and I don't want to have to make new ones.
I love my friends, and I don't want to not see them in person for a long time.

I don't want to move.
It seems more about what you think is best, isn't that how most moms screw up with their kids?

I read your post about moving with a teenager.


I haven't learned anything.


myspace rocks.
thats all I can say.
It simply rocks.
in every way.

I made a poem!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008


I just got these:

I love you with all my heart,
I love you so much it's like an art,
I'll love you until the end,
My Love is something i'll try to send!

-***** ******

Emilee don't leave me here,
Please be somewhere near,
Listen and lend an lend an ear,
Please know, that to me... your very dear.

-***** ******

please leave a comment and tell me how I should proceed...

Sunday, May 18, 2008


1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car):
Dog None...lame

2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie):
Mint chocolate chip

3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name): E-Rus...okay

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal):

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born):

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first):

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink):The Blue Water

8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers): Fred Jim...okaaaaaaaaaaay

9. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names): Marie Scott...okay

10. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter): Lisa Luxomberg? lol is that spelled right?

11. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower). Autumn

12. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”):

13. HIPPIE NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree): Bagel

14. YOUR ROCK STAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour” and the year): The Singing Thunderstorm 2008

This was absolutely HILARIOUS!
thanks Mrs. Marshall!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008


Doesn't anyone comment anymore?

Friday Forum-the last one this "year"

Well, it was the last of the '07-'08 FF today, it was soooo fun.
I was supposed to bring:
Clay to make beads in jewelry class
Teriyaki chicken
I brought:
10 minute teriyaki chicken 'cause I forgot until this morning so my mom did the best with the time she had.


So in jewelry class we explored all the random little cabinets searching for paper to make paper beads...the paper we found, might as well have been wall paper...oh yeah. It was that big. lol
So I made a paperclip necklace...IT ROCKED...Jordyn made a rubberband necklace with paper clip charms...IT ROCKED...Theresa made a green bead pyramid...IT ROCKED...and Stephanie-the "teacher"lol-made a sort of tower/wall/whatever...WHATEVER IT WAS, IT ROCKED!!! lol

The next two "periods" are taken up by speech class We ate food, played games listened to an impromptu speech by Marisa and found out that we all (except Tyler) looove hitting Tyler upside the head!!!!!! lol...

Afterwords, me and Theresa were supposed to go to Irish Step Dance class...urgh, instead we hung out with the speed stacking class outside! It was fun, we also took TONS of pictures, and the chess class didn't notice we were there, so I yelled "CHECK MATE!!!!" and we ran away sooooo fast!!! lol

After the classes we watched the classes perform some stuff, then we ate pizza, some people ate Ice Cream-not me-and I started HUGGING RANDOM PEOPLE!!!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOOO FUN!!! lol

Here is a list of people I hugged:

1 Mrs. Johnson
2 Mrs. Charles
3 Jimmy Charles
4 Amanda Way
5 Marisa Bradley
6 Jordyn Jensen
7 Braeden Stamm
8 Mrs. Lynch
9 Isaac Jensen
10 Gabriella Russell
11 Madelyn Russell
12 Kylista Hobbs
13 Lyndsey Gough
14 Mrs. Jensen
15 Mrs Marshall

And like...50 other people who's names I don't even know!!!

It was soooo hilarious!
Amanda Marisa Jordyn and Theresa were so amazed at my hugging people!
At first Amanda and Marisa were the only ones watching and stuff, and I couldn't figure out who to go hug randomly so I asked them-thats why I hugged Braeden-it was so hilarious cuz I started to walk towards him and they had the FUNNIEST looks on their faces! Then Jordyn came with Theresa and I was like "I was dared to hug you!" and he's just like "oooooooooookaaaaaaaaaay..." lol so then I did this totally goofy little hug thing and walked was soooooooooo hilarious!!!
Anyway, it was a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun day!!!!!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cooking club

Well, cooking club was again today, and friday forum tomorow...At cooking club, we were supposed to make Hot Fudge Cream Puffs, but Tyler ruined it by bringing the wrong pie so my mom brought out some cinnamon roll mix stuff, but tyler ruined that to...I don't know how seeing as Erica was making it...BUT HE DID IT!!! lol

well, later!!!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I want to cry.

We are moving.


our house is for sale.

we took pictures today.

my friend jordyn slept over.

we had fun.

I'll miss her.

I'll miss Andria B., Amelie B., Kayla P., Maddie D, Madisen K., Connor K., Erica B., Tyler T., Cyndi C., Jimmy C., Miranda L., Sierra H., Amanda W., Marissa P., Marisa B., Jordyn J., Madison A., Helena S., Kaydee W., Fiona K., Shannon C., Erin C., Britney A. AND EVERYONE ELSE TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It took me 5 YEARS to make all the friends i have.
I am soooooo grateful!!!!!
I hope to keep in touch with ALL of you!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll miss you.

I LOOOOOOOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

you tube ROCKS!!!

and so do I.

and so do you.




My friend Jordyn

Go to and search teen titans meet the dragon lady and you'll find her fan fic.




vote on my poll too!



Sunday, May 11, 2008


So I got back from portland last night. I was so tired. *yawn* nevermind, I AM tired. Although I got more sleep last night then both nights before. PUT TOGETHER!!! *yawn yawn yawn* lol. So we went to OMSI the Zoo the mall and TONS of other places. Oh, and I now have a headache...waaa. I met some people who I had seen that are pretty cool and I hope to see all of them soon, I'm talking about:

And two or three more people who's names are-sadly-unknown. Well I knew them, I think, at one point. But I forogt. Waa. lol

So Keli sang this hilarious birthday song her family has, it starts out how your singing happy birthday, and then it's some crazy stuff about how theres people dying and suffering but happy birthday anyway! lol. VERY HILARIOUS! I COMMAND YOU TO LAUGH!!! lol... Oh and Kayla's family has "the packard 4" apparently NO ONE sneezes 4 times in a row, but them.

well, I'll talk more later.

I know, you'll be counting the minutes right?



Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cooking club

Well, it was fun.


we made s'mores!!!

oh already knew that. lol...well anyway, because that took so little time, we played around on the computer and outside and stuff. Tyler made up this (lame) game where you rub you're nose and people "catch on" and start rubbing their own noses until one person is left and that person has to do a dare. So Erica usually starts the games 'cause she's obsessed with not really but she starts like 50 of them every time we hang out.

So, it was fun, I got out of the one dare I got because Erica started a new it's a good thing. Then we all came inside and Tyler Meagan and Erica started this weird fight Tyler was naming a whole bunch of things that beat others, like a briefcase beats a broom but a baby doll beats all, and others. So me and Andria were writing on the computer and stuff...


dinner is done...

LOVE YA'!!!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Randomness ROCKS!

Well, my singing class was fun. We were finding out who would be able to cover for people who aren't coming on the tour with us. I might be on a few extra dance numbers, Maddie is filling in for Jeremy, Andria and Kayla started out doing Connor's stuff, but then Connor got there.

My friend Amelie looks like Avril Lavigne when her hair is straightened and she wears eyeliner.



So lets see, tomorrow is cooking club-we're making s'mores. Just in case Andria and Tyler are reading this:

Graham Crackers


Well thats about



I crack myself up...


Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Hello people of earth, jupiter, mars...amd L.A. I am Emilee.
Greetings earthlings...LOL
So this is my first blog and my mom and sister will probably link to me and stuff so, yeah.
whatever, if you are truly so interested in what goes on in other people's lives, here it is:

Tomorrow I am going to take a singing class at a sort of thing near our house, then on thursday it's cooking club with Andria Erica and Tyler then on Friday I'm going to portland with my singing class and we come back saturday...well thats it.
