Monday, September 29, 2008

crappy job-but I love it

So working at the fair, from 10 am to 11 pm kinda sucks, but it's also totally awesome! I get to see just about everyone who could possibly be there, because I'm there from open to close, I get free food, I get to see whatever shows I want cause I'll be there for them all, I get to talk to some awesome new people, and I get PAID FOR IT!!!

It's crappy because of the hours, I mean really, open to close plus the work to open it up beforehand and the work afterwards to close it up, usually I take care of the baby during that, but's a lot of work when all she wants is her mom, she's totally tired and you have a headache AND it has to be done BEFORE EVERYONE COMES BURSTING INTO THE SUNDOME!!! GREAT HUH?!?!?!?!

Well...whatever, it's awesome anyway.
C U L8ER!!!!!


Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm sick.

I hate being sick.
My throat is sore, my head aches, my stomache hurts, I'm starving but nothing sounds good...well except V8 and brownies and yogurt...urgh.
I'm extremely tired.
I can't sleep.
My arms are sore.
I get dizzy when I stand up.
But it goes away quickly.
I hate being sick.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

yeah so...hi...

I'm EXTREMELY bored.
I decided to post.
I had Jordyn sleepover last night.
We went to the release party for Brisinger.
It was fun.
I made a collage.
And drew a picture.
I also did Meagan's friend KayDee's hair and make-up.
I'm eating a chocolate coin.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I love this series!
Now I know that the whole series isn't called Twilight, but I don't know what else to call it. Plus who wants to go around saying "I love Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn!!!" I mean really. Seriously.

I know a lot of people who like the books, but I've never really been very interested. But then my sister showed me a movie trailer and said some parts of the books, then her friend got in on it, then MY friend got in on it...yeah so I read the first one in under 8 hours...then I got impatient for the second I read it again. Now I'm writing this as fast as I can to tell you to READ THESE BOOKS, great, thats done...know I can get back to the book...



Tuesday, September 9, 2008

urgh so whats goin' on?

Yeah so lately I've been grounded and technically...I still am. But at the moment I'm at a friends house at 4:12 in the morning. wow, right?

Well my dad was being his stupid self, so I left. I went to the park, then Goodwill, then albertsons, then walgreens(I got a candy bar) then all the way to the allied arts center. I was going to go to the library but I figured that at almost 7pm it would most likely be closed.

Anyway, so I was on my way to my friends house when her mom comes driving up and stops and tells me my sister called to see if I was there. So she decided to come look for me.

So since then I've eaten nachos, used the computer, watched project runway, used more computer, tried to sleep and realised that I hadn't checked my blog and here I am, writing this for you, my amazing reader.

So lets see, by now it's 4:20 so my whole adventure, which took about 2 1/2 hours can be summed up in 8 minutes. Fantastic. lol.

Well since I've been mom went to TX I went to the mountains with my dad and some friends to sell pizza, and mom comes, around 10. So, lets see...I went to the mountains to go sell pizza to earn money so I could go to TX with my mom, turns out people don't spend much on pizza anymore, so I was BOOOOOORRRIINNNGG!!!!

So mom went to TX alone...well, with baby Evie. So last Friday I went to a fantastic dance, met some fabulous people and altogether had an amazing night! The Fantastic dance consisted of learning a dance move called the "StraightJacket" dancing/meeting tons of guys who like to dance nearly as much as I do, and meeting two great girls called Leslie and Rachel.

a href="">

I also read excerpts from a fantastic book about George Washington and his funny rules for conversation Anyway Leslie, Rachel, Amanda, Cyndi and I had a great time reading through them and came to an agreement that we break about 105 3/4 of 106 rules every day of our lives. lol.

For example:

4th In the Presence of Others Sing not to yourself with a humming Noise, nor Drum with your Fingers or Feet.


43d Do not express Joy before one sick or in pain for that contrary Passion will aggravate his Misery.

or maybe even;

55th Eat not in the Streets, nor in the House, out of Season.

24th Do not laugh too loud or too much at any Publick Spectacle.

23d When you see a Crime punished, you may be inwardly Pleased; but always shew Pity to the Suffering Offender.

53d Run not in the Streets, neither go too slowly nor with Mouth open go not Shaking your Arms kick not the earth with yr feet, go not upon the Toes, nor in a Dancing fashion.

For the complete list go to this website.

Anyway, we also got glowsticks and as we drove past one of the other cars Ben dropped one out of the car window. Later Cyndi said it was awesome when you cut open the glowstick and fling the insides everywhere so that stuff glows.

I drew pictures and squiggles all over my So after that, nothing much happened...I ran away, mom gets back soon...thats pretty much it. so...yeah!
