Sunday, March 1, 2009


I can't believe I actually FORGOT I had a blog... I was on the phone with my Grandma today and she said she would check my blog occasionally for updates and stuff, then it occurred to me. I HAVE A BLOG!?!?!?! Huh - who knew. lol. So heres an update;

I graduated from Drivers Ed Thursday - well I still have to drive 2 more times, but the classes are over!

Church is sometimes fun - but going there at 8:30 in the morning, that I'll never be happy about.

I went to a Lock - In at Amanda's church Friday - Saturday which was AWESOME!!! =D We played Sniper, Duck Duck Goose (Yes, I'm serious, a bunch of teenagers sitting in a circle tapping peoples heads and being chased - I know you'd want to see THAT! lol), Telephone(haha, that was fun), some kind of comedy central game, twister and (My personal favorite) We played Rock Band almost all night!!! =)

During sniper, when it was my turn to actually be the sniper, Chris accidentally slammed a door on my arm - it's bruised now. When Nathaniel was the sniper, I was the last one to be caught, I was only caught because I looked behind me to see where he was, and ran into a water fountain... (Now I can barely walk because me legs are all sore). That wasn't so fun.

I have gotten... well I don't know the exact amount but, very little sleep lately - it may be affecting my driving and my writing and... well pretty much everything so if I'm snappy, sorry. =( I don't mean it (Most of the time).

Well... It's almost time for me to get off, so I'll write later!
I promise!


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